The solution for planning and production control in the corrugated industry

Who we are

Two software developers with many decades of experience, originally the authors of one of the first and most widespread systems for production planning and control in the corrugated industry.

Our approach

Create a new system for planning and production in corrugated plants, without the dead weight of old software versions.

The simple objective: The most modern, most powerful system for the industry: dr.corr

Our success

dr.corr has only been on the market since 2017 but it is already in use in more than 100 plants in 5 continents, with more plants already in the pipeline.

Your advantage

dr.corr is simple. Easy to learn, super fast operation. Automatic Planning makes it easy for the planner, he checks out the solution proposed by the system, improves it using his own ideas, keeps control over every detail.

dr.corr solves your problems. Not just one, but a whole set of different optimization algorithms find results that will convince you. 

dr.corr is always live. On-line connections to corrugators and modern conversion machines as well as terminals at all machines make sure that the schedules stay up-to-date at all times, ensuring quick reaction to unexpected events in production. They provide comprehensive production and quality data - permanent reporting as the basis for improvements in production.


Want to know more? - Click here for more information!

A selection of our references

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